Thursday, December 29, 2005


A Brand New Year

1. To actually, finally, post something on my blog. I have one - so, why not????
Actually, this resolution is more like number 48, but it seemed relevant, under the circumstances. I've been thinking over the past year a ton, you know, what went well and what I ought to work on, and I guess you could pretty much sum the past 12 months up in one verse - God's Word to Paul - 'My grace is sufficient for you'. Boy, have I learned this truth this year - and especially over the past few months. I'm really quite prone to worry. Yep, right since day 1. And I've found (among other things!!) that those traits (or, in this case, faults) that you acquire on day 1 are awful hard to get rid of. And yet, God's grace is sufficient!!! Isn't it comforting to know that in the midst of our trials and difficulties, he will never give us more than we can handle? Perhaps we believe we cannot handle something, but he will give us the strength in His own timing. How awesome!

Well, Christmas (and all that Christmas entails) was truly amazing. Three weeks ago was the much anticipated TOY SALE. I was up bright and early at 4 in the morning - and dressed as a family of experienced toy salers (three sweaters, men's jacket, scarf - the works!) . What an incredible morning - 525 families were blessed with great new toys, and $5460 was raised for the Light and Life Hispanic Methodist Church in Chandler. What a blessing to be a part of the work there. I've also had numerous opportunities to 'salir' - sorry, thinking in Spanish - "come out" of my comfort zone - singing in public, sharing the Gospel with an unbelieving family, etc. My comfort zone, to be perfectly honest, is well defined - complete with high, impassible walls to mark out its perimeter. Consequently, journeying outside of that realm is, as you could probably guess, rather tough - and yet, God has continually blessed me every time I have. Isn't it funny how the things that we dread are often things that we need the most? We really evade so much blessing staying away from the unknown. I know I do.

It's been a 'growing' year - emotionally rather straining, and kind of tough - but you know what? It's been one of the best years of my life. I thank God for the opportunities that I've had to grow, and with His help, I've been able to take them. Thank the Lord for a new year - a fresh opportunity to serve Him and make His name known. Wow, thinking about it - I've got a lot to do. And honestly, I can't wait to get started.